Estimated Length: 10 minute(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources

About this course:


This course will show you how to add a Checklist template to a Task Type in Site Administration.

Once you complete this course, you will be able to:

  • Create a new Checklist Template
  • Edit an existing Checklist Template
  • Attach a Checklist Template to a Task Type

Use the navigation buttons and callout prompts to move through the course.
This course contains a simulation of AroFlo.
You can jump back to a specific section in the course by using the Table of Contents menu on the left of your screen. 


Please note: Site Admin is only available to users with access enabled in the Feature Access tab of their User card.



How do I access Site Administration?


Content Types:
In this course you will learn how to add a Checklist template to a Task Type in Site Administration.
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